2023-09-02, Ellen Rutten & Dorine Schellens, "Het Parool"Opinie: ‘Het is tijd dat Nederland zorgt voor meer gastvrijheid in de academische wereld’
Nederlandse universiteiten zouden veel meer kunnen doen ter bevordering van de academische vrijheid wereldwijd, zeggen onderzoekers Ellen Rutten en Dorine Schellens. ‘Dit land dat zich beroept op tradities van gastvrijheid en tolerantie, loopt ver achter in het ondersteunen van onderzoekers en studenten in nood.’
2023-06-23, "Leiden University News"Gratama Science Award 2023 – Leiden University
The Gratama Foundation Geven accepted the award on Thursday 22 June at the Academy Building. The Gratama prize for young scientific talent is awarded annually; in odd years to a researcher from Leiden and in even years to a researcher from Groningen. The prize is provided by the Gratama Foundation, a family fund that has … Gratama Science Award 2023 – Leiden University
2023-40-12, "Leiden University News"Dorine Schellens and Peter Verstraten win the LUCAS Public Engagement Award 2023
The LUCAS Impact Committee, consisting of Jan van Dijkhuizen, Rick Honings, Casper de Jonge, Angus Mol, Thijs Porck and Aafje de Roest, has offered this year’s LUCAS Public Engagement Award to Dorine Schellens and Peter Verstraten. Dorine Schellens has been tirelessly active during the past year in helping and supporting refugee colleagues from Ukraine, Russia and … Dorine Schellens and Peter Verstraten win the LUCAS Public Engagement Award 2023
2023-02-21 Dina Gusejnova, "New Lines Magazine"A Ukrainian Garden Tells the Story of a Violated Country
As pastoral idylls become sites of war, gardens evoke political memories for Ukrainians and Russians alike.
2023-07-04 Mathias Hausding, "moz.de"Putsch-Versuch in Russland: Viadrina-Professor – Putin kann die Söldner nicht mehr kontrollieren
Für 36 Stunden hat sich Russlands Präsident sehr schwach gezeigt, als er Söldner-Führer Jewgeni Prigoschin gewähren ließ. Wie konnte es dazu kommen, und wie geht Wladimir Putin inzwischen mit dem Aufstand um?
2023-07-19 Alexander Etkind, "Prospect Magazine"Russia’s Evil Is Being Turned Back on Itself
By starting the war in Ukraine, Putin triggered a feedback loop of political nemesis. Every action he takes now contributes to his own destruction.
"Democracy Institute CEU"The Illiberal Memory Politics in Hungary
“The erection of statues of Horthy demonstrates that a paradigm shift is taking place without recourse to original ideas and yet is nonetheless successfully reshaping memory discourse,” our Research Affiliate Andrea Peto writes in her chapter in Patriotic History and the (Re)Nationalization of Memory.
2023-06-26 Jan Claas Behrends, "SWR2"Chaos in Russland: „Da liegt ein Hauch Napoleon in der Luft“
Der Beinahe-Angriff der Söldnergruppe Wagner auf Moskau wird von Experten weltweit als starke Schwächung Putins gewertet. Ähnlich sieht es auch Prof. Jan Claas Behrends vom Potsdamer Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung im Gespräch bei SWR2.
2023-02-03 Ayelett Shani, "Haaretz"An Exiled Hungarian Historian’s Stark Warning for Israeli Progressives
The Hungarian historian Andrea Peto was forced into exile following the rise of the Orban regime. There’s a method, she says, by which illiberal forces seize control of a democratic country.
2023-04-04 Eva Peek, "NRC"Universiteiten worstelen met de Russisch-Oekraïense verhoudingen
Oekraïners die met Russen samenwerken riskeren reputatieschade, en dat merken ze ook op de universiteiten in Nederland.
2023-04-29 Andrea Peto, "University World News"To Survive Illiberalism’s Attacks on HE, We Must Resist
The optimism of my colleagues working in higher education that illiberalism will not impact tenured academics, their academic freedom and the status of higher education in the global higher education landscape – or rather their sleepwalking approach to illiberalism – seems to be unfounded.
2023-06 Andrea Pető, "Baltic Worlds"‘Better Stories’ in Higher Education
Cunning strategies for gender studies: What can you do when nothing can be done? Can the hangman be an ally of gender studies?
2022-03-23, "De Goede Gesprekken #1"De Goede Gesprekken #1: (Dutch) Podcast Episode of the University of Amsterdam on Ukraine and the University Community.
The first episode of the podcast De Goede Gesprekken explores the impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on scholars in need and highlights the contributions of academics at the University of Amsterdam in supporting them. The first segment features a conversation between Dean Marieke de Goede and UNE’s Ellen Rutten, discussing UNE and the mentor program.
2022-12-16 HOP, "Digitaal Universiteitsblad (DUB)"Support to scholars as bombs rain down. New European university aims to help refugee and dissident academics.
A new European university is being founded to help students, academics, artists and dissidents in need. One of the founders is Ellen Rutten, an Amsterdam-based specialist in Slavic studies. “When the war in Ukraine broke out, it was clear that we had to do something.”
2022-12-13 Peer van Tetterode, "utoday"Een universiteit die steun biedt tussen de bommenregens door.
Een nieuwe Europese universiteit helpt studenten, academici, kunstenaars en dissidenten in nood. Een van de oprichters is de Amsterdamse slavist Ellen Rutten. ‘Toen de Oekraïne-oorlog uitbrak moesten we echt iets doen.’
2022-08-22 "Ostorozhno: Sobchak"Alexander Etkind: ‘Eta spetsoperatsiia protiv sovremennosti’
Ksenia Sobchak interviewed UNE’s Alexander Etkind, who mentions our university in the making and the importance of helping scholars in need from many different countries. From 01:03:50 onwards.