
This database contains emergency contacts as well as emergency funding opportunities for scholars and students in the fields of the Social Sciences and Humanities, for artists and cultural workers, journalists, lawyers and human rights activists at risk from Ukraine, as well as for those at risk from other East-Central, Eastern European and Central-Asian localities. If you are searching for academic opportunities in other areas, such as Natural Sciences or IT, please register them at Science for Ukraine.

  • Filters


  • Vytautas Magnus University – Support for Ukrainian Students

    Vytautas Magnus University is lending a helping hand to Ukrainians. In 2020, a support fund was established at VMU for the students who suffered from state repression in Belarus. From now on, this fund will also support the students who have suffered from military operations in Ukraine.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Lithuania | Workplace: On site Support period: Short term support

    Study in Estonia – Support for Ukrainian Students

    This website provides an overview of support offered to Ukrainian students by universities in Estonia. The support ranges from accommodation, study places and access to facilities to scholarships.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Estonia | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable

    KONE Foundation – Emergency Residencies for Ukrainian Artists and Art Professionals in Finland

    Emergency residencies are open for requests as long as there are available places. The priority is to respond to the urgent need for accommodation for artists and art professionals who are fleeing from or have been displaced due to the war in Ukraine. Both short and long stays in Finland are provided for individuals and families.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Finland | Workplace: On site Support period: 1 week up to 3 months Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Homes for Ukraine – Useful Websites

    This document contains an overview of websites which provide information on housing, visa applications, travel within the EU, banking, learning and teaching resources (such as remote school opportunities). The focus is on help within the UK, but the document also contains information on other European countries.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Europe | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Accommodations for Ukrainian Scientists

    The Management Board of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences believes that in the 21st century solving political problems through military actions is absolutely unacceptable and in a gesture of solidarity makes its hotel in Sofia and its holiday base in Varna available to accommodate Ukrainian scientists and their families.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Bulgaria | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Help UA – Accommodations

    This website offers an overview of available free accommodation for Ukrainian refugees, with a focus on Poland, Germany and Switzerland.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Europe | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Working in Germany: Government Website for Qualified Professionals

    Working in Germany is the German government’s portal for skilled workers from around the world. The portal, which can be browsed in a variety of different languages, offers information for those interested in moving to Germany – starting with preparations in the home country, to the actual move, to the first steps to be taken in Germany. The website offers information on working, studying, visa and residence related questions.

    For applicants from: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, other Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Ranarod – Emergency Information on Leaving the Russian Federation (in Russian)

    In this Telegram channel information is shared on how to leave the Russian Federation. It is frequently updated.

    For applicants from: Russia Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Honest University for Belarusian Academics and Students

    If you have worked or studied at universities or state-run scientific institutions in Belarus and are or have been affected by repression, you can get legal and financial help via this platform.

    For applicants from: Belarus Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Leaving the Russian Federation: Emergency Information (in Russian)

    This website gives an overview of emergency information and contacts for people leaving the Russian Federation. It is frequently updated.

    For applicants from: Russia Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Dorogie kollegi – Channel for Displaced Scholars (in Russian)

    Дорогие коллеги — это канал взаимопомощи для displaced scholars: студентов и ученых из Украины, России и Беларуси, которые были вынуждены или чувствуют необходимость уехать в другие страны из-за военных действий или политического преследования на родине. Мы собираем информацию о возможностях для displaced scholars в Telegram-канале, делимся нашими знаниями и опытом составления заявок на гранты, стипендии, места в магистратурах и аспирантурах.

    For applicants from: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Shalash Academy – Help for Children (in Russian)

    Рекомендации от специалистов фонда «Шалаш», работающего с приемными детьми, в краткое форме описывающие основные трудности в детском поведении и предлагающие стратегии конструктивного действия.

    For applicants from: Russia, other Location: Russia | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Telehelp Ukraine – Medical and Legal Assistance for Ukrainians

    Telehelp Ukraine connects Ukrainians in need of medical care to doctors in the United States and around the world. A large cohort of doctors from the United States and around the world who specialize in various diseases provide free medical advice to Ukrainian patients.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Russian Anti-War Committee – Support Group

    This initiative supports immigrants who left Russia as a result of the war against Ukraine.

    For applicants from: Russia, other Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Post_Trevoga – Psychotherapy (in Russian)

    Телеграм-канал с советами и полезными ссылками от практикующей психотерапевтки.

    For applicants from: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work

    Teacher for Russia (in Russian)

    Инструкция от проекта «Учитель для России» по психологической поддержке детей и взрослых. Представляет собой короткие списки пошаговых рекомендаций по действиям в кризисных ситуациях.

    For applicants from: Russia Location: Online | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Cultural or artistic work