E-editiones / TEI Consortium – Small Grants for Ukrainian ScholarsLocation: Location: Ukraine | Workplace: Remote
e-editiones and the TEI Consortium in collaboration with Archives Online and JinnTec announce a small grant program aiming to help scholars of Ukrainian cultural heritage to continue their work that has been disrupted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We urge other institutions to support this call so we can offer funding for more of our colleagues affected by the war. Any scholar who had to leave Ukraine or relocate within Ukrainian territory because of the war and is working on sources broadly conceived as textual cultural heritage and plans to make data and results openly available.
Initial funding ranging between 500 and 2000 EUR to support the continuation of research work on materials related to cultural heritage available in TEI; Help with encoding and other conceptual aspects of a digital edition; Technical support in converting data sources into the TEI Standard and/or publishing them as a digital edition online; Hosting of the edition for at least 3 years on Sources Online servers.
Please send a brief description of the project and its current state via e-mail. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Please include a description of your personal situation and why you should be eligible.