Language Buddies for Ukrainian ResearchersLocation: Location: Online | Workplace: Remote
The “Language Buddies” project is designed to help scholars affected by the war in Ukraine, who struggle to get their work published in international academic journals for English language-related reasons.
The aim is to match two scholars in the same field and thus to establish a support system, in order to support academics with publishing in international journals and thereby contributing to the global scientific debate.The system can also be used for getting input on texts for grants or strategizing about where to publish or submit grants.
When you sign up, we will try to match you with a scholar in your field, with similar methodological expertise, and with experience with publishing academic work written in English. You can then get in contact with your language buddy and receive feedback and/or discuss how to improve your article to reach an international audience. This is an independent, grassroot project, which rests on the commitment and solidarity of volunteering scholars.
Sign up HERE to be matched with a language buddy!