Philipp Christoph Schmädeke

Philipp Christoph Schmädeke is Political Scientist (Dr.rer.pol.) at the Federal Agency for Civic Education, Berlin. He has previously taught at the Pedagogical University in Rostov-on-Don and the University of Potsdam.
Portrait photography of Philipp Christoph Schmädeke

is Political Scientist (Dr.rer.pol.) at the Federal Agency for Civic Education, Berlin. He has previously taught at the Pedagogical University in Rostov-on-Don and the University of Potsdam. He is the author of A History of Realistic Democracy Theory (Geschichte der Realistischen Demokratietheorie, Bonn 2022) and Political Regime Changes (Politische Regimewechsel. Grundlagen der Transitionsforschung, Tübingen 2012).