Rethinking War, the Military and Gender Through the Russian War on Ukraine
This series is coordinated by Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky (LMU Munich) and Andrea Peto, (CEU Vienna, CEU DI, Budapest).
The aim of the series is to give visibility and some space for threatened gender studies scholars who are working on the topic of war and violence. The starting point is to critically revisit the existing literature on war, violence, and gender based on the experience of the war of Russia against Ukraine.
Topics discussed include sexual violence during wartime, media images of women at war, women in the army and shifts in the everyday life, national/transnational feminism and the role of gender studies in fostering solidarity, the role of the museum and herstory of war in promoting and upholding women’s rights, homonationalism and LGBTQ activism during the war. Please register here by 20 October.