SAR Ukraine FellowshipsLocation: Location: USA | Workplace: On site
Scholars at Risk (SAR) announces new fellowship support for SAR network member institutions in North America looking to host threatened and displaced scholars from Ukraine. The purpose of the funds is to support the Ukrainian research and academic sector, enable continuing collaborations between scholars and institutions in or displaced from Ukraine and the international research community, and to anticipate and support rebuilding of the Ukrainian higher education and research sectors as conditions permit.
The full document with the information below can be accessed here.
The application portal can be accessed here.
The funds are available to higher education institutions and associations in North America
which are SAR network members in good standing at the time of the application (“applicants”) to assist
in the hosting of eligible Ukrainian scholars (“candidates”) meeting the following criteria:
• Are (1) Ukrainian nationals, or (2) stateless persons, or nationals from third countries other than
Ukraine, with their primary residence in Ukraine on February 24, 2022;
• Either (1) have been displaced from Ukraine on or after February 24, 2022, (2) were temporarily
outside Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and have been unable to return to their primary residence
due to the conflict, or (3) are ready to relocate from Ukraine;
• Academics, researchers, or scientists with a PhD degree (or other terminal degree in their field);
• Have the language skills required to successfully conduct their research activities at the envisaged
host institution, as confirmed by the host institution in the application;
• Candidates in all domains of research, higher education and innovation may qualify.
Applicants and candidates
Prospective host institutions (“the applicant”) must apply with a proposed
hosting plan for an identified scholar (“the candidate”). Scholars applying directly through the
dedicated application portal or through SAR’s general scholar application will not be considered. In
limited cases, SAR may be able to share with prospective host institutions information on scholars
seeking hosts.
Application requirements
The application must be submitted by the prospective host institution (“the
applicant”) on behalf of the scholar (“the candidate”). (Scholars applying directly through the
dedicated application portal or through SAR’s general scholar application will not be considered.) A
complete application should include:
• Proposed duration, location, and start and end dates
• Scholar CV and brief statement of risk/displacement (est. 1 page)
• Attestation by the candidate scholar and certification by the applicant host institution of the
candidate’s eligibility under the criteria (est. ½ page), along with any supporting documentation
• Statement of the candidate’s proposed work plan, including research, teaching or other activities
and how it advances the host’s and candidate’s academic goals (est. 1 page)
• Statement of how the candidate will engage with the host institution community (est. ½ page)
• Statement of how the applicant host and candidate will retain connections to and otherwise
support Ukrainian higher education, research, or innovation sectors (est. ½ - 1 page)
• A proposed budget, including amount and types of support provided by the host institution, the
candidate’s institution in Ukraine, or other sources, if any, and the amount of support requested.
How to submit
A complete application in a single PDF document titled “SAR_UKRAINE_[Host institution]_[Candidate
last name]”, should be submitted via the application portal (available on the SAR website).
Budget and duration
Fellowships are expected to be awarded for a minimum of 12 and a maximum of
24 months. Fellowships awards are expected to range from $10,000 to $50,000 for a 12-month period,
with priority given to applications including matching or greater funds from the host institution or
other source.
Given the high levels of need among qualifying candidate populations, institutions are
encouraged to submit complete applications at their earliest opportunity. Applications will be
reviewed on a rolling basis beginning January 17, 2023, until all funds are awarded. Current funds are
estimated to allow supplemental awards to 10-25 hosts, with co-funding from the host institution or
other source. Additional awards will be made if additional funding can be secured.
Visas, work authorization
The applicant host institution shall be responsible for completing or issuing
any invitations, forms, applications, or other requirements necessary to secure any necessary visa or
work authorizations for the candidate for the term of the fellowship.
Payment, taxes, and return of unused funds
The successful applicant host institution shall agree to
receive fellowship funds from SAR for distribution to the candidate, according to the agreed budget, to
assume responsibility for any institutional tax or reporting requirements for such funds, and to return
to SAR any unused funds due to the candidate’s failure or inability to start the fellowship, early
departure, or other unforeseen event impeding completion of the proposed fellowship term.
Selection process: Evaluation and selection will take as follows:
• Applications received and reviewed on a rolling basis (beginning January 17, 2023)
• Review of eligibility and candidate and applicant certifications
• Initial evaluation and ranking of workplan and hosting arrangements
• Selection of finalists and alternates
• Fellowship offers communicated to finalists; terms finalized
• Notifications to unsuccessful applicant institutions and referrals to other programs, if any
Current SAR network members in North America with questions about the fellowships
should contact SAR Ukraine (please do not send applications by email; submit applications
only through the online portal). Higher education institutions or associations in North America who are
interested in applying for the fellowship and are not yet SAR members should contact Scholars at Risk. For updates on this or other SAR programs, subscribe here.