University of Oxford – The Refugee Academic Futures ScholarshipsLocation: Location: United Kingdom | Workplace: On site
The Refugee Academic Futures Scholarships offer financial support to pursue graduate study at Oxford to students who are refugees or other people with lived experience of displacement.
Thanks to the generous support of funding partners across the University and colleges, as well as support from the student members of the University of Oxford and the Oxford University Student Union, the University has been able to offer scholarships to refugees and other forced migrants since the 2016-2017 academic year. These awards have been offered through the Oxford Student Refugee Campaign and the Oxford Refugee Scheme, and have now been incorporated into the Academic Futures programme, through the creation of the Refugee Academic Futures scheme.
The scholarships are open to all academic subjects. Each scholarship will cover your course fees and will provide you with a grant for living costs. Awards are made for the full duration of your fee liability for your course. Scholars will be offered opportunities to receive mentoring and a bespoke programme of pre-arrival, on-course, and post-completion support.
The Refugee Academic Futures scholarships are available for applicants who have been displaced due to conflict, persecution, or other serious human rights violations or deprivations, whether within or outside their country of origin, and who hold an offer for either a one-year full-time or two-year part-time master’s degree, starting in the 2024-25 academic year.
These scholarships support students across the University and are open to all subject areas.
Applying for the Refugee Academic Futures scheme
We will contact you to ask you to apply for these scholarships if you have:
- applied for an eligible course by the relevant November, December or January application deadline for your course and received an offer; and
- indicated that you are a refugee/displaced when you applied for your course.
Please note, if you do not tick the box on the application form to indicate that you have a displacement background you will not be invited to apply for the scholarship, even if you have mentioned this elsewhere in your application If you are eligible but did not complete the question on your course application about refugee/displaced status then you can still email us (via by 12th April 2024 to confirm that you wish to apply.
If you are eligible for these scholarships, you will be considered regardless of which college (if any) you state as your preference on your graduate application form. However, some of these awards are only tenable at specific colleges and successful applicants will be transferred to the relevant college in order to take up the scholarship if applicable.
What happens after you apply?
All applications for the Refugee Academic Futures scholarship will be checked for eligibility and assessed by a panel of academics. The panel will review applicants' admissions application and Refugee Academic Futures application and will agree a priority ordering of candidates within the limits of available funding. All Refugee Academic Futures applicants will be contacted with the outcome of their scholarship application by email, usually by the end of June. Final college placements will also be confirmed for awards that are tenable at specific colleges only. If you are offered and accept a scholarship, this means your funding is now secure as long as you meet the conditions of your offer of a place to study at Oxford.
If you would like further information on the scholarship and the support programme it provides you can contact the Oxford Sanctuary Community via email.