
This database contains emergency contacts as well as emergency funding opportunities for scholars and students in the fields of the Social Sciences and Humanities, for artists and cultural workers, journalists, lawyers and human rights activists at risk from Ukraine, as well as for those at risk from other East-Central, Eastern European and Central-Asian localities. If you are searching for academic opportunities in other areas, such as Natural Sciences or IT, please register them at Science for Ukraine.

  • Filters


  • Studium in Deutschland 

    GFPS vergibt Stipendien für belarussische Studierende für das Sommersemester 2023 zum Studium an einer deutschen Universität. Das Stipendium enthält finanzielle Unterstützung, persönliche Betreuung und Unterstützung am Studienort, Einschreibe- und Visumsgebühren und zwei Begleitseminare.

    For applicants from: Belarus Location: Germany | Workplace: On site Support period: 1 Semester Discipline / work field: Humanities

    Displaced Scholars in the New York Area

    Are you an academic or research scholar displaced from Ukraine who is now in New York?

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: USA | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    UBA – Support for Academics from Ukraine

    The German Environment Agency (UBA) offers refugee-scientists from Ukraine the opportunity to work as guest scientists in Germany.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Germany | Workplace: On site Support period: up to 12 months Discipline / work field: Social Sciences

    European Immigration Lawyers Network

    EILN is a network of 21 specialist immigration law firms providing advice to businesses and individuals on EU free movement and other immigration law issues.

    For applicants from: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia Location: Online | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences

    Как поступить в американский вуз?

    На встрече Яков Клоц (Hunter College of the City University of New York) и Маргарита Кулева (Bielefeld University) обсудят как выбрать и поступить в американский вуз на программы бакалавриата, магистратуры и PhD, какие документы понадобятся и как их подготовить.

    For applicants from: Russia Location: USA | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Humanities

    The University of Tübingen – Research Fellowships for Ukrainian Scholars at Risk

    The University of Tübingen offers a number of support options for people affected by the war in Ukraine. In particular, the university created Research Fellowships for researchers at risk from Ukraine.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Germany | Workplace: On site Support period: up to 12 months Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Purdue University – Opportunities for Ukrainian PhDs and Researchers

    Individuals directly impacted by the war with faculty positions at Ukrainian universities and who are engaged in academic research have the opportunity to resume their academic pursuits at Purdue, or those enrolled in doctoral programs at Ukrainian universities who are at the dissertation research stage of their degree program.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: USA | Workplace: On site Support period: 12 months Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Napryamok – Help for Ukrainian Refugees

    This website offers information on medical support, transport and flight routes and local help centers for Ukrainian refugees who can apply for help on the website. The website is available in Ukrainian, Russian and Polish. It also offers help on the above-mentioned topics for Ukrainian refugees outside Ukraine, with contact details for support in neighboring countries (Russia, Poland, Moldova).

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Help Ukrainians – Job Offers

    This platform offers an overview of job offers for Ukrainian refugees in several European countries, the USA and Ukraine.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Europe, USA and Ukraine | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Homes for Ukraine

    This document contains an overview of websites which provide information on housing, visa applications, travel within the EU, banking, learning and teaching resources (such as remote school opportunities). The focus is on help within the UK, but the document also contains information on other European countries.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Europe (especially UK) | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Job Aid for Ukrainian Refugees

    Job aid for Ukrainian refugees supports people who had to leave their country and look for integration into the European labor market. You can see available job offers on this platform under “I am looking for help”.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Europe | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    The Female Factor – Jobs for Ukrainians

    This page gives an overview of job opportunities in international companies ready to support female employees living in or displaced from Ukraine.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    New Start Media Job Portal

    Creative artists, filmmakers, TV and media representatives, upon the initiative of trade unions and employers’ associations and together with the Jobnet.AG, have set up a network to help refugees from Ukraine and other countries find employment by providing a job search website for them.

    The network also involves other services, for example, a social network and an online academy, which offers, among others, a basic German language course and an online job application training in German, Ukrainian and other languages.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Germany | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Humanities, Cultural or artistic work

    Citizens of Our Planet: Resources for Ukrainian Refugees and Others Impacted by the War in Ukraine

    This document includes resources for people fleeing Ukraine, remaining in Ukraine, displaced into a neighboring country, or relocating to countries around the world. Please see the table of contents to find the global topic, or country specific section that is most relevant to your needs.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: Remote Support period: none Discipline / work field: Humanities, Cultural or artistic work


    This platform connects international businesses with Ukrainian professionals working remotely.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Humanities, Cultural or artistic work

    Telegram Channel on Ukrainian Children Lost and Found

    Click on the link to access this Telegram channel with information about Ukrainian children who are lost and found as a consequence of the war.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Ukraine and international | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Humanities, Cultural or artistic work