
This database contains emergency contacts as well as emergency funding opportunities for scholars and students in the fields of the Social Sciences and Humanities, for artists and cultural workers, journalists, lawyers and human rights activists at risk from Ukraine, as well as for those at risk from other East-Central, Eastern European and Central-Asian localities. If you are searching for academic opportunities in other areas, such as Natural Sciences or IT, please register them at Science for Ukraine.

  • Filters


  • Ukraine War Scholar Support Group

    A member-based Facebook group for Ukrainian scholars and students at risk.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Borderlands Foundation – Support for Ukrainians

    The purpose of the Borderlands Foundation is to help Ukrainians who are impacted by the war as both refugees, and those stuck inside the country in the conflict zone. They also started a long-term evacuation effort. Their mission is to become an enduring source of support for Ukrainians both during the tragic conflict they are enduring, and afterwards, once the long hard process of rebuilding their great country begins.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities


    We are a global decentralized effort to help Ukrainians and other nations deal with the humanitarian crisis and consequences of a brutal invasion by the Russian Federation.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: Remote Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Residencies and Fellowship Offers for Ukrainian Scholars and Artists

    This database offers an overview of residences and fellowship opportunities for scholars and artists at risk per country. It is regularly updated and expanded.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities, Cultural or artistic work

    Ukrainian Scholar Placement Database

    This database offers an extensive overview of emergency placements for Ukrainian scholars at risk from all disciplines. Entries are listed per country as well as globally.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Ukrainian Global University

    Ukrainian Global University is a vast network of educational institutions that join efforts to rebuild Ukraine by supporting Ukrainian high school and university students, scholars and tutors by providing them with scholarships, fellowships and postgraduate programs.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Swedish Research Council – Support Initiatives for Researchers from Ukraine

    Several Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs) and research funding bodies are offering different types of support to researchers and doctoral students from Ukraine. Here we have gathered together information about current support initiatives. We will be updating the page continuously.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Sweden | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Science for Ukraine

    #ScienceForUkraine is a community group of volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. Our mission is to support the Ukrainian academic community in surviving the Russia’s war and to help ensure the continuity of Ukraine’s science and strengthen its presence in the international science arena.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Science in Exile – Resources for Scholars at Risk

    Science in Exile offers a list of resources, opportunities, organizations and programmes for at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists which can be filtered by category.

    For applicants from: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Russian Opposition Scholars at Risk

    This platform collects links to emergency funding opportunities that may be helpful to Russian scholars who are fleeing Russia. Belarusian scholars at risk should also take a look at this page.

    For applicants from: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Resources for Scholars in Danger

    This database contains information on fellowship opportunities for scholars in danger, both from Ukraine and Russia.

    For applicants from: Ukraine, Russia Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    University of Alberta – Ukraine Archives Rescue Team

    U–ART offers free digital storage to Ukrainian scholars and institutions under threat. U–ART provides free, secure, and private data backup for archival institutions, research institutions, and individual scholars in all disciplines. U–ART is a Canadian Emergency Response Initiative coordinated at the University of Alberta.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Canada (remote) | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities, Cultural or artistic work

    Overview of Academic Organizations Supporting Ukrainian Students and Researchers

    This database (in Ukrainian) contains information on academic organizations listed per country that support Ukrainian students and researchers (with a focus on the humanities).

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Humanities

    List of Universities Helping Ukrainian Students

    This list shows universities worldwide that are helping Ukrainian students and educators. The type of help these universities are offering is mainly academic support, counseling services, free tuition, meals, and more. You can browse the list per country.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Jobs for Ukraine

    We match talent from Ukraine with job opportunities abroad and remote during this humanitarian crisis.
    As millions of Ukrainian residents had to flee their country because of the brutal invasion of the Russian Federation, we aim to enable this workforce to find a job while away from home. Our platform matches candidates from Ukraine with the right job opportunities in Romania and abroad.

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: International or online | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities

    Universität Erfurt – Help for Scholars from Ukraine

    This list contains links to funding, scholarships etc. for hosting and supporting refugee scholars. It is provided in cooperation with the Leipniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO). It lists opportunities within German research associations and institutes, regional funds in German federal states as well as opportunities in Europe (listed per country).

    For applicants from: Ukraine Location: Germany and international | Workplace: On site Support period: Not applicable Discipline / work field: Social Sciences, Humanities