
Two URIS Fellowships at the University of Basel (2025)

The initiative ‘Ukrainian Research in Switzerland’ (URIS) invites applications for a URIS Fellowship for a six-month research and teaching stay at the University of Basel for the spring semester 2025 (February – July 2025) and the autumn semester 2025 (August 2025 – January 2026).

SAR Ukraine Fellowships

Scholars at Risk (SAR) announces new fellowship support for SAR network member institutions in North America looking to host threatened and displaced scholars from Ukraine. The purpose of the funds is to support the Ukrainian research and academic sector, enable continuing collaborations between scholars and institutions in or displaced from Ukraine and the international research community, and to anticipate and support rebuilding of the Ukrainian higher education and research sectors as conditions permit.

Frequently Asked Questions – UNE mentoring programme

We are aware that some of you are participating in the UNE mentoring programme in very difficult circumstances, and we hope that the programme offers some relief. Please scroll through the list to go to the section that interests you. For further questions please contact us via communications@neweurope.university.